(basic recipe from Dave Lieberman)
1 can cannellini or other white beans, drained and rinsed
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
1/2 bag of prewashed arugula (about 2 large handfuls)
4-5 fresh basil leaves, chopped
1-2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1-2 Tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper
Yeah, this seems really simple. Too simple to be really good, right? You might think so, but trust me; it's great. You can vary the amount of arugula for more of a bean salad or increase the arugula for a green salad. Combine the beans, onion, basil and arugula in a large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. You can combine the oil and vinegar together in a separate bowl, but I just pour each over the salad. Mix well. It helps to dress this salad at least an hour before to let things develop. I think it tastes great the next day, too! If you dress it lightly, the salad stays crisp.
Miss Meggie,
Thank you for this delicious salad recipe. As you promised, the sum is greater than the parts. Delicious! Question. What do you know about fleur du sel? Martha Stewart says it is available in France, is less salty than kosher salt, but is chunkier and prettier on foods...and is frequently used as a decorative topping. Any chance you could bring me some?:-) XOXO L.
ma cherie, you're killing me. first of all, you remove yourself from our collective presences and seriously deprive us of your luminous radiance and THEN to add insult to injury, you post these ridiculously good-looking recipes and what, expect us to be able to even compare to your culinary ability?! huff. come home and cook for me, woman! okay, and i miss you. lovemily.
Hi you two! From one food addict to another, I look forward to experimenting with your recipes! This was a pleasant surprise and great interlude to a not-so-pleasant day. Thank MLE for relaying your site...
Hi, found you in the comments at Chocolate & Zucchini.
I read your first post, and have to say I'm like you in the kitchen: combining recipes, not measuring, basically winging it.
Oh, and I used to be an assistant in 3 primary schools. :)
Thanks for your comment. I'm just getting started here, so come back again =)
How did your assistantship go?
I feel like we're in a club...a little wink and a nod and enough said.
Aww shucks guys...you're too sweet!
Thanks for all the love.
L- I'll definitely bring you some fleur du sel. I have some myself but I'm afraid I don't really appreciate its use. It's very course and the size sort of mystifies me. More research required!
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